I threw a plot bunny at Sarah Honey, and promised her it would be a one shot. Honestly though, she should know better than to trust me by now. On that note, welcome to Lassiter University! Join the frat boys from Alpha Tau as they learn more than is listed on the curriculum! The first book, The Amazing Alpha Tau Boyfriend Project, is out on September 20. The entire series is available now for preorder from Amazon.
If you're coming to GRL in the US in October, I would love to see you there.
I'm so excited to be going, and catching up with both old and new friends. And I'm absolutely stoked that my two most frequent collaborators, J.A. Rock and Sarah Honey, will both be there too! We are going to drink all the wine. Meanwhile, if you want to preorder any paperbacks, check out the link to my form below. I won't be carrying too many extras with me, so if you want anything in particular, it's best to preorder. See you in October! My preorder form: https://forms.gle/v9Kxpgct1bHgB5J19 Have you read my Dark Space series? These books have a special place in my heart, mostly because the narrator, Brady, is angry, scared, and so used to feeling that way that it takes him a long time to realise that Cam can actually love him for him.
Plus, terrifying aliens, lol! Dark Space was one of the first books I wrote, and it’s always been a little bit of an easter egg that Brady and Cam are both Aussie boys. There are a few hints of it in the story, but then, this version of Earth is so removed from ours that there’s not much left of anything resembling our modern nations. But there are still mentions of cockatoos! The series is now out in hardcover, with special edition illustrated covers. You can find them all on Amazon. |
July 2024